Monthly Archives: May 2007

The Second Peculiar Thing…

The Second Peculiar behavior: Dishwasher is really a dish storage.

So why are the Vietnamese aren’t using their dishwasher to wash their dishes? I don’t know.  Maybe because dishwasher are deem as untrustworthy piece of machine that can’t really clean dishes?  Maybe there’s a school of thought that dishwasher is using more water than hand wash? Whatever the reason, it’s a strange behavior indeed.

The First Peculiar Thing…

The very first peculiar thing: leave shoes at front door please.

As you enter almost all Vietnamese family, the first thing that caught my eyes is there’s an insane amount of shoes at the front door. Whether it is a family of many or a family of one. I can make an assumption that they don’t want to have a dirty carpet/floor, but what’s interesting is that they’re all wearing sleeping slippers or socks. I asked about this peculiar behavior and my suspicion is confirmed, but still… it’s like a norm for all families that I’ve seen.